If you don't need
Here's how our statement of purpose editing service works:
Your consultant then provides you with feedback and recommends ways to improve your statement of purpose. You revise and send the new SOPs back.
Edit the micro - Although your consultant checks the macro level, they will also check on the micro, specifically for clarity, grammatical mistakes, punctuation mistakes, writing style, spelling errors, and word usage. They will send you SOP drafts with suggested corrections.
How much will you need to purchase? That depends on the number of SOP drafts as well as the quality of your writing. You can either obtain a free estimate before purchasing or use the estimate guidelines to purchase your SOP editing services and proceed ASAP.
You can use the time you purchase for any hourly Accepted service including interview coaching and resume editing.
You can use the time you purchase for any hourly Accepted service including sop editing, interview coaching, and resume editing.
Our rates provide prompt two-business-day turnaround.
Minimum required purchase
Save $100
Save $380
Existing clients only
With the Initial Statement of Purpose Package, you'll receive professional SOP editing including:
The Statement of Purpose Package will give you the confidence of knowing you are submitting a compelling statement of purpose.
Since your consultant already knows you well and any brainstorming will take less time, Additional SOP Packages are less expensive than the Initial Statement of Purpose Package. You still benefit from the professional SOP editing services outlined above.
The Initial Statement of Purpose Package provides all the SOP editing and consulting you need for ONE statement of purpose at ONE school. Using our assistance in modifying this essay for other schools will incur additional charges.
The Additional Statement of Purpose Package is available for any essay assistance you purchase after an Initial Statement of Purpose Package. It cannot be used for your first statement of purpose.
Statement of Purpose Packages must be entirely used in one application year.
If you request to change consultants or work with a second consultant, you will incur additional charges.
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